10 Things We’re Loving Right Now

Love is in the air, but that doesn’t have to mean romance! Team MASAJ have collated a list of our top 10 things that we’re loving right now, in the hope they’ll make you smile:

  1. Window Swap: https://www.window-swap.com - the best remedy for lockdown

  2. Deep Listening, a guide to finding common ground with opponents: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-51705369

  3. Loneliness help: https://gal-dem.com/queeries-how-do-i-survive-loneliness-and-learn-to-lean-into-it/

  4. Emotion Typefaces with Stephanie Vogl: https://www.itsnicethat.com/articles/stefanie-vogl-graphic-design-220121

  5. The power of design and collaboration can clean an ocean with Alexander Taylor: https://creativemornings.com/talks/alex-taylor/1

  6. The Dalston Wine Club, need we say more? : https://www.instagram.com/thedalstonwineclub/?hl=en-gb

  7. The coolest crayons around: https://www.presentandcorrect.com/collections/colouring/products/doodle-crayons

  8. Let My People Go Surfing - our business bible from Patagonia founder, Yvon Chouinard: https://uk.bookshop.org/books/let-my-people-go-surfing-the-education-of-a-reluctant-businessman-including-10-more-years-of-business-as-usual/9780143109679

  9. The ‘Bikes Up Knives Down’ Initiative: https://www.bikestormznation.com 

  10. Ernest journal - Nature Publication: https://www.ernestjournal.co.uk - the most beautiful thing adorning our coffee tables right now.

Enjoy, and spread the love!



Founders’ Note: MASAJ is Moving


The MASAJ Guide to Valentine’s Day